As a partnership formed of five councils, our team leads on coastal issues across 246km of Hampshire and West Sussex’s coastline.

Founded in 2012, we carry out many functions that help to protect thousands of homes, businesses, wildlife and infrastructure. Our diverse work includes managing flood and erosion risk, planning and designing new coastal defence schemes, inspecting and maintaining existing defences and working towards a flood resilient future.

In addition to our core coastal engineering services, we have also evolved our expertise into habitat and environmental matters, geomatics, funding, research and data analysis. We also advise on a variety of areas from project strategy, planning and design to monitoring, implementation and maintenance.

It is our vision to, manage coastlines, improve community resilience and enhance the natural environment.

Working Together To Protect Our Coastline

Coastal Partners' Geomatics Division offers an extensive drone surveying service for various projects. This video showcases the innovative monitoring and surveying methods through the use of drones and UAVs, and it highlights the numerous benefits of using these technologies. To learn more about our Geomatics Division, watch the video below.

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