Bat Surveys

Coastal Partners carry out bat surveys to fully understand the impact our construction projects have on bat roosts and habitats suitable for foraging bats. Bats are protected under UK and EU laws and it is a requirement to understand if construction works will have an impact upon the species and avoid causing an impact, where possible, or if not to support a licence application

The data collected from bat surveys is analysed and an impact assessment undertaken. Data can then be used to obtain a licence, if required, from Natural England before any work proceeds. The data from the surveys are also shared with the county bat recorder and Biological Records Centre which is available for other parties considering undertaking work in the same areas.

Bat surveys are carried out using specialist equipment which detects bats. Different levels of bat surveys can be undertaken, including preliminary bat surveys, ground level inspections of trees and structures for potential bat roost features, emergency/re-entry surveys and bat activity surveys.

Currently we offer a public sector service only and our specialist knowledge in carrying out bat surveys is central to our commitment to enhancing the natural environment. 

Bat, Brown long-eared, Plecotus auritus, bat survey, coastal partners Bat, Brown long-eared, Plecotus auritus, bat survey, coastal partners