Selsey Beach Management

Diggers at Selsey Diggers at Selsey


Danefield Road Beach Recharge

To reduce flood and erosion risk at Selsey, Chichester District Council are undertaking beach management works at Danefield Road.

This will involve the importation of approximately 9000 tonnes of shingle, (by road) to be deposited on the beach at Danefield Road in Selsey.

Works begin week commencing 3rd March, lasting for 3 to 4 weeks.

The Work:

9,000 tonnes of marine dredged shingle will be delivered by lorry to Danefield Road, Selsey. The shingle will be deposited between two groyne bays and spread to the adjacent groyne bays. Figure 1 below shows the working area.

Figure 1 - Site Plan Figure 1 - Site Plan
Figure 1 - Site Plan

The Haulage:

Shingle will be delivered to the beach by lorries travelling down Hillfield Road, across Clayton Road and down to the end of Danefield Road. The site compound and vehicle turning area will be in the immediate area between the seawall and the end of Danefield Road. Access to residential property will be maintained throughout the works. Figure 2 below shows the delivery route.

Figure 2 - Delivery Route Figure 2 - Delivery Route
Figure 2 - Delivery Route

Beach Access:

Public right of ways and the majority of the beach will remain open for the duration of the work. However, for health and safety reasons, the immediate areas where work is being undertaken may be closed to the public. Normal working hours will be 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday.

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