Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy

July 2024 update

The Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and Water Framework Directive (WFD) assessment have been updated and finalised following regulator comments. The updated versions of these environmental documents are being sent to regulators over the summer.

In September the economics report will be updated in line with the latest guidance from the Environment Agency (EA) and final revisions will begin to be made to the Strategy documents.

HBC adoption is expected in Winter 24/25 with EA approval to follow shortly afterwards.

Hayling Island has a population of over 17,000, it is located on the south Hampshire coast, within the Borough of Havant and covers approximately 38km of coastline. 

Being an island community, climate change is one of the largest challenges Hayling Island will face. It poses a significant threat to the economy, environment, health and way of life. Rising sea levels due to climate change are predicted to significantly increase the level of coastal flood and erosion risk on the island.

If no flood defences were in place, over 330 properties would currently be at flood risk on the Island from an extreme tidal flood event (1 in 200 year or 0.5% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP)). By 2120, with sea level rise and climate change, this figure rises to over 2,850 properties at risk from coastal flooding during a similar event. By 2120, 1,510 properties are also predicted to be at risk from coastal erosion on Hayling Island. Access and egress on and off the Island via the sole road bridge connection (A3023) is also at risk.

Vegetation Eastoke Point, Hayling Island Vegetation Eastoke Point, Hayling Island

In order to manage these risks into the future, the North Solent Shoreline Management Plan (NSSMP) recommended the need to develop a Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Strategy for the Hayling Island coastline. The FCERM Strategy for Hayling Island has been developed in two stages; Part 1: Hayling Island Funding and Implementation Strategy - now complete, and Part 2: Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy (HICMS).

The Strategy

The Draft Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy sets out a vision to manage coastal flood and erosion risk to the Island for the next 100 years.

A consultation on the Draft Strategy in 2022 received over 80 responses and the exhibitions had over 200 visitors. To view the Draft Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy click here.

To view the Draft Strategy appendices and supporting information click here. To view the posters on display at those events, please click here.

The aim of the HICMS is to:

  • Develop strategic coastal management options for Hayling Island for the next 100 years.
  • Outline a programme of investment to reduce the risk of coastal flooding and erosion to people living on the island.
  • Identify the potential funding sources and partners required to deliver that investment programme and be open and honest about where funding is likely to be a challenge.
  • Incorporate adaptation strategies, as defence improvements will not be possible in all locations .
  • Be holistic, yet flexible for both people and nature.
  • Respond to future changes, support sustainable development of the Island and take into account predicted sea level rise and climate change
  • Make a partnership approach central, between HBC, EA, Natural England (NE), Landowners, businesses and local communities, making sure local needs and priorities are at its core.
Hayling Strategy icon graphics Hayling Strategy icon graphics

During development of the FCERM Strategy we will:

  • Carry out extensive engagement with key stakeholders, residents and the wider local community through workshops, drop-in events and using social media, to understand the aspirations and concerns of stakeholders, to help inform the development of The Strategy 
  • Undertake a coastal process study to understand waves, tides and sediment transport, and look at the longer term flood and erosion risk to both the open and harbour coastlines 
  • Undertake Environmental, Ecological and Heritage Studies 
  • Appraise short, medium and long term sustainable FCERM approaches for Hayling Island 
  • Assess the costs of different approaches and the associated wider economic benefits develop a detailed short-term implementation plan. 
  • Investigate the wider benefits of schemes, links with regeneration opportunities and identify potential contribution opportunities for future coastal defence measures