Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy

Jan 2025 update

The Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy was adopted and its short term action plan approved by Havant Borough council Cabinet on 18th December 2024.

The next steps will be to submit the adopted Strategy to the Environment Agency for technical approval and begin taking forward priority actions in the action plan.

Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy

Being an island community, climate change is one of the largest challenges Hayling Island will face. It poses a significant threat to the economy, environment, health and way of life. Rising sea levels due to climate change are predicted to significantly increase the level of coastal flood and erosion risk on the island.

The way we manage tidal flood and erosion risk needs to change to meet the future challenges posed by sea level rise and climate change. A new Strategy for managing tidal flood and erosion risk on Hayling Island has been developed to safeguard the future of this community and promote sustainable development and prosperity, now and for the next 100 years.

The HBC adopted Coastal Management Strategy for Hayling Island can be viewed by clicking on the image below. 


Strategy Summary Overview

For effective flood and coastal erosion risk management, the Island has been divided into smaller, local sections. These sections are known as Option Development Units (ODUs). The Strategy for each ODU frontage around the Island is summarised here, and the details for each can be viewed by selecting the relevant buttons below. 





Short-term action plan

The Strategy has identified the need for several studies, projects and schemes over the next 10 years if funding and approvals can be secured. These include habitat restoration, beach management, coastal defence and adaptation schemes.