Langstone Coastal Defence Scheme Latest News

Updated January 21 2022 – Programme Extension

The programme for detailed design has now been extended by 1 year, so that Construction is now scheduled for Spring 2024. 

The extended programme accounts for recent delays in the supply chain due to Covid-19, which meant we have suffered a delay in commencing detailed design until the results of the recent structural and ground investigation were received and analysed. 

The extended programme will maximise the opportunity for design refinement and cost optimisation by incorporating the analysis from the latest ground and structural investigations. 

By also increasing the time between each design milestone in the programme, there is more space for community and stakeholder reflection and discussion on the design proposals as they are refined for each frontage.  

There is more opportunity to work with the community and stakeholders to explore further sources of funding towards the scheme itself, wider community benefits and ecological enhancements. 

The extended programme provides more resilience in the lead up to construction, so that any adverse impacts of Covid-19 and Brexit can be understood, and the risks mitigated against. 

Our key milestone for the 50% detailed design is now due for sharing with the community groups through our Stakeholder Working Group and our other key stakeholders in July 2022. We will be updating our project webpages to reflect the extended programme, including plans for future engagement shortly.

Langstone Sailing Club Langstone Sailing Club