Forton Scheme Updates

January 2025

Construction Complete

The Forton Coastal Defence Scheme has now reached completion, providing better protection and reduced flood risk to over 200 homes and 16 businesses as well as an area of St Vincent College.

Click here to see the Gosport Borough Council Press Release.

June 2024

The Forton scheme started construction on 2 April 2024. Since then, the groundwork for around 45m of the new seawall has been progressed. The project is on target and scheduled completion is expected by November 2024.

Prior to works staring we provided a resident letter drop, project posters, social media posts and updates to stakeholders from Coastal Partners and Gosport Borough Council. Educational engagement sessions were held and positively received at three schools local to the Forton FECRM Scheme, to raise awareness of the scheme and the role of the council in helping to manage flood risk.

April 2024

Covering around 240m of coastal frontage and giving protection to 211 residential and 16 commercial properties, The Forton Coastal Defence Scheme is ready to commence.

The updated defences will consist of a new reinforced concrete flood wall and some removable flood barriers in the grounds of St Vincent College at the western end of Forton Lake. 

When completed, the scheme will reduce flood risk to local properties, critical infrastructure, urban utilities and services against a 1-in-100-year flood event, up to 2060.

Work begins on site week commencing 1st April 2024 with plans for completion by November 2024. The work will be carried out by contractors JT Mackley & Co Ltd.

The site will be closed and fencing currently in place will remain until the construction works are completed.  

January 2024

The construction works contract procurement is ongoing and on target. Contract award and is expected in mid-January 2024, with contract execution planned for February 2024. The scheme continues to target an April 2024 start on site. 

Full planning permission for the scheme was granted on 15th  November 2023. 

The project continues to engage with Key stakeholders and wider public communications will commence ahead of construction. 

The project team are engaging with local educational establishments as part a condition under the Department for Education grant award for the scheme funding.  The engagement will cover flood risk and other relevant topics, relating to the scheme construction.

July 2023

The project team are please to confirm the recent approval of an inflation uplift claim made to the Environment Agency to the value of £103,683. The team now continue to work towards procuring a works contractor for construction targeting an April 2024 start.

May 2023

The project team are pleased to confirm it has recently secured additional funding from the Department for Education (£681,184), Southern Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (£592,635) for the Forton scheme. Further funding sources to close the funding gap are being explored. 

The scheme is targeting a start on site in April 2024. This is the earliest possible start due to overwintering bird restrictions (which are in force annually from October to March). 

A construction re-start date is dependent on procurement timings and contract award in early 2024.

September 2022 

Work to reinstate the area at Forton is now complete. We are continuing to investigate future funding options for the Gosport Coastal Defence Scheme and will provide updates when applicable.

August 2022

A number of risks have been realised on site, including the presence of a badger sett and the impacts of construction cost inflation, which have put the project under significant pressure. Construction work has been put on hold until further notice. 

Reinstatement work will begin later this month, and the site re-opened to the public by the end of September. A plan for resuming delivery of the project is being developed.

April 2022

The scheme to the improve flood defences at Forton commenced in April 2022.

Initial works will expose the existing seawall and underground utilities to prepare the area for construction. The area will be closed to the public and college visitors. An alternative route is in place around the site working areas.