The Forton Coastal Defence Scheme has now reached completion, providing better protection and reduced flood risk to over 200 homes and 16 businesses as well as an area of St Vincent College.
Click here to see the Gosport Borough Council Press Release.
Following the River Hamble to Portchester Strategy, the end of Forton Lake was highlighted as one of three priority areas for a flood defence scheme.
Since the strategy, the project has progressed through key milestones such as Outline Design, Detailed Design and construction.
Construction of the new sea defence commenced in April 2024 and were completed by contractor JT Mackley & Co Ltd in December 2024. The defence is comprised of a reinforced concrete flood wall around 1m in height, removable flood boards and two low level areas of road raising, the full defence is around 200m in length.
Now completed, the scheme reduces tidal flood risk to 211 residential and 16 commercial properties in Forton up to the year 2060 to a 1 in 100-year event (1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP), meaning a flood of such magnitude has a 1% chance of occurring in any given year).