North Portsea Coastal Scheme - Tipner Lake, Phase 3

This phase was successfully completed in 2019!

The flood defences here consist of a sea wall with key access points to the foreshore. The public realm space has been enhanced, with provision of a shared footpath and cycleway, landscaping and play features, as well as information points. The new path links together the area from the Mountbatten Centre to the Hilsea roundabout, restoring 2km of coastal paths. Alongside these works, drainage works have been ongoing to ensure any drainage issues are rectified.

The project has also introduced 3 tidal pools which will help encourage marine biodiversity, 200m2 of locally grown saltmarsh and reinstated 150m2 of divided sedge. We planted Saltmarsh plants, which were relocated from a habitat that would have been impacted by the next phase of works, east of Portsmouth. They cover an 80m stretch that can be seen from Portsbridge roundabout! This ensures that there is as much opportunity as possible for the local ecology to thrive.

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