Public Engagement
Since the public consultation on the Draft Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy, the project team have been busy reviewing the comments received and meeting with residents across the Island. A consultation report will be made available in late summer.
This consultation is a continuation of the draft strategy (which went to consultation in October 2022) focusing on its accompanying environmental reports.
The project team have been working hard to develop the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA), Water Framework Directive Assessment (WFD) which support the Draft Strategy. These assessments are undertaken to identify, describe and evaluate the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the Strategy and reasonable alternatives, taking into account the objectives and the geographical scope.
To view the relevant documents click here.
The consultation on these documents has now ended. The project team will review the feedback and update the Strategy as necessary.
October 2022
Two in-person exhibition events were held at Hayling Island on 17th and 19th October, to view the posters on display at those events, please click here.
To view the Draft Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy click here.
September 2022
An online Stakeholder Working Group briefing to give a preview of the draft coastal management strategy was held on Tuesday 27th September, to view the slides from the briefing, please click here, to view the recording of the session click here
August 2022
The Draft Coastal Management Strategy is being finalised, ready to share with the community and residents for their views between October and December.
Watch this space for more details over the next few months!
July 2022
The project team met virtually with members of the Project Steering Group on 7th July 2022, to provide an update on the Strategy’s progress, share the draft coastal management options and discuss the next steps. Members were given an opportunity to share their views on the options.
May 2022
The project team met with various individuals and landowners to discuss the draft coastal management options as part of the options appraisal process.
February 2022
Members of the project team held a virtual presentation to the Havant Climate Alliance, to talk about how we are preparing our harbours for a climate resilient future. The presentation outlined the current and future climate change and sea level rise risks and the guidance that we follow. This was followed by a talk on the diverse environmental initiatives we are currently working towards within Coastal Partners. Click here to view the presentation slides.
July 2021
The project team held a virtual project update meeting with invited key stakeholders to keep them informed on strategy aims, process and progress to date. The meeting also provided the opportunity to share how initial stakeholder inputs on options, aspirations and opportunities have been taken into account as the project has progressed. Here is the presentation.
During the meeting there was an opportunity for key stakeholders to put their questions to the team. Here are the questions raised and answers given.
December 2020 – February 2021
The project team have held a number of virtual meetings with landowners along the Hayling coastline to understand how they use their section of coast and establish their short and long-term aspirations for their frontage.
The information gathered will be used to understand where the key areas of focus need to be around the island, particularly from a flood and coastal erosion risk management perspective. It will also help inform the strategic appraisal process as we enter into the next stage of the Strategy.
December 2020
Two online stakeholder workshops were held in November to determine the aspirations and opportunities related to Hayling Island’s coastline. Both sessions included a presentation by our team and discussions with the workshop attendees.
The first session covered the open coast, situated along the southern frontage and the presentation can be viewed here. The second session covered the surrounding harbours situated on the east, west and north coasts of Hayling Island, this presentation can be viewed here
November 2020
In Summer 2020 we launched a survey to seek the community’s views on coastal management of Hayling Island. Respondents were asked about their concerns, what is important to them when using the coastline and their aspirations for the island. Click here to find out more information about the survey and the responses received.
September 2020
On the 19th August we held a virtual ‘Introduction to the Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy’ session. This was a chance for key stakeholders on the island to meet the key project team and hear more about the strategy, in terms of; why do we need a strategy? what will the strategy do? what does the strategy involve? The session also identified the projects programme and next steps. To watch the recording of the session on our YouTube channel, please click here. Alternatively you can view the presentation slides in related documents.
The project questionnaire will be live until Sunday 6th September. The results of the survey will directly help us understand your views on coastal flood and erosion risk on the island, what you feel the main areas of concern are together with an understanding of the wider coastal opportunities to help justify potential future flood and coastal erosion risk management measures on the island.
How can you get involved...
Your involvement is really important so we will be engaging with you throughout the development of the strategy. Engagement with local residents, businesses, visitors and the wider community will take place at key points to ensure that people that live, work and play on the island have a say in shaping the strategy. Please keep an eye on our website for details or contact us direct about how you can get involved.
If you have an interest in the future management of Hayling Islands coast and would like to be involved in the development of the Strategy, please register your interest by sending an email to and include the subject title ‘Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy’.
Stay Up To Date
Check back here to get the latest information on the Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy. We will post regular updates and let you know how and when you can get involved.
You can also stay up to date with the latest information by subscribing to our Coastal Partners Newsletter.
Find out more about coastal management on Hayling Island and the effects of climate change by viewing the Hayling Island Strategy Story Map
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