Terminology Definitions
Click on words to learn their definition:
- Adaptive Management
- Advance the Line
- Beach Management Plan
- Beach Recharge
- Beach Recycling
- Bagwork
- Chart Datum
- Cliffing
- Coastal Defence Schemes
- Coastal Defence Strategies
- Coastal Erosion
- Coastal Squeeze
- Demountable Defence
- Detailed Design
- Earth Bund
- Flood Gate
- Gabions
- Geomatics
- Glossary of Terms
- Groynes
- Highest and Lowest Astronomical Tide
- Hold The Line
- Land Recharge
- Land Recycling
- Littoral Drift
- Managed Realignment
- Marine Recharge
- Mean High Water Springs
- Revetment
- Rock Armour
- Rock Toe
- Setback Floodwall
- Sheet Piling
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Soft Engineering vs Hard Engineering
- Spring Tides
- Standard of Protection
- Storm Surge
- Swell Waves
- Types of Flooding
- Vegetated Shingle